OCLS Documentary

One of our esteemed Chinese language teachers, Xiang Wang, is leading a documentary on the 50 years of OCLS history. Please find below his message to the Ottawa Chinese language community:

我叫王翔,是一名中文高中学分班老师,也曾在1999年至2004年在渥太华中文学校工作过四年, 后来一直在OCSB国际语言高中部工作至今。工作关系接触到渥太华大大小小的数间中文学校, 也见证了2000年以后中文学校的蓬勃发展。除了教书之外,总觉得应该为我们的中文教育做点什 么。经过与其它老师和朋友讨论,我们一致认为为渥太华的中文学校发展历史做一个记录非常有 必要。于是我们就自己组织了一个团队,期中包括前任欣华中文学校副校长,作家,老师,视频拍 摄及编辑专业人员等等。渥太华中文学校(OCLS)是渥太华地区历史最悠久的,管理最成功的学 校,所以将是我们团队拍摄的重点。今年开学以后我们曾经到学校与部分理事及老师沟通,希望 采访并搜集一些学校的理事资料。但是因为上网课的原因无法进行。经现任理事会的批准,我们 准备尽快开始这个纪录片的拍摄工作,同时进行的还有文字部分。OCLS五十年的历史一定有不 少值得记录的东西,为了做好这个记录片我们迫切的需要大家的帮助。希望您能够提供一些中文 学校五十年来有价值有意义的图片和文字,并帮助我们联系和推荐那些曾经的校长,理事或者老 师以及其它学校义工等,我们将安排上门采访和拍摄。
拍摄这个纪录片的目的一方面是对中文学校的历史有一个交代,另外也是对往昔那些为中文教育 付出很多心血的老一辈华侨的缅怀和纪念。同时也能够积极扩大中文学校的影响,让更多的同胞 参与和支持我们的中文教育,为发展我们的祖裔文化尽自己的绵薄之力。
任何愿意接受采访的老师,理事及相关人士请与 我们联系:


OCLS Documentary

Planning for the OCLS Documentary

One of our esteemed Chinese language teachers, Xiang Wang, is leading a documentary on the 50 years of OCLS history. Please find below his message to the Ottawa Chinese language community:

Dear Ottawa Chinese School (OCSB) Board Chairmen, Board Members, Principals, Teachers and related parties:
My name is Xiang Wang.I am a high school Chinese teacher for IL credit program. I worked at Ottawa Chinese School for four years from 1999 to 2004. I have been working at the OCSB International Language Center since then. I have been in contact with several Chinese schools in Ottawa, and have witnessed the booming development of Chinese schools since 2000. Besides teaching, I always felt that I should do something for our Chinese education. After discussing with other teachers and friends, we agreed that it is very necessary to make a record of the development history of Chinese schools in Ottawa. So we organized a team, including the former Vice Principal of Ottawa Chinese School, writers, teachers, video shooting and editing professionals, and others.

Ottawa Chinese Language School (OCLS) is the oldest and most successful school in the Ottawa area, so it will be the focus of our team. After the start of this school year, we went to the school to communicate with some of the board members and teachers, hoping to interview and collect some information about the school’s board members. However, this was not possible due to online classes. With the approval of the current Board of Governors, we are ready to start filming the documentary as soon as possible. There are a lot of worthwhile things to record in the 50 years of OCLS history, and in order to make this documentary a good one, we are in urgent need of your help. We hope that you can provide us with some pictures and text from the OCLS in the past years, and help us to contact former principals, board members or teachers, and other school volunteers, hence we can arrange for interviews and filming. The purpose of this documentary is to give an account of the history of the school, and also to honor the memory of the old generation of overseas Chinese who have contributed a lot to Chinese education in the past. At the same time, it can also positively expand the influence of the Chinese school and allow us to make our own small contribution to the development of our ancestral culture.
Thank you sincerely for your support and help!
Any teacher, board member or interested party who would like to be interviewed,
please contact us:

Chinese School Video Project Team