Celebrating 50 years of the Ottawa Chinese Language School!

May 28, 2021

Dear OCLS Students, Parents/Guardians, OCDSB Staff, and Friends,

In 2022, we will be celebrating 50 years of the Ottawa Chinese Language School!
We are planning to celebrate our current successes, honour our past, and inspire our
community to grow and develop into the next decade. Given the challenges of these pandemic
times, many of our celebratory ideas are on hold, but one project that we will be launching is
our “OCLS – 1972-2022 – 50th Anniversary Yearbook”!

Our Yearbook Lead, Edison Sandoval, is looking to build a team of many hands (to make light
work!). He will launch the project virtually for now and hopefully host in-person volunteering –
as needed and as possible – later in the 2021-2022 school year. At this time, we are seeking four

  1. Interested, recent alumni of the OCLS (Grades 9-12 in September 2021) to join the
    Yearbook Team: give back to your community; earn Community Service hours; learn
    some editing/layout/organizational/publishing skills; and have fun making history;
  2. Any parents/guardians of OCLS students or more senior alumni (yes, including you,
    1980 graduate!) who are interested in participating on the 50th Yearbook Team (tell us
    what you want to do!);
  3. A volunteer Sponsorship Coordinator (adult) who will help us to connect with
    supporters and manage our sponsors; and
  4. Your documentary contributions to make this a treasured memory book for all OCLS
    supporters, especially for those who were part of the OCLS’s journey in the last decade
    (2012 to 2022). We want copies of your photographs, stories, artwork, poetry, and
    anything else that you think would be meaningful to the OCLS community. Not sure how
    to make a copy and get it submitted? Contact Edison and let us make your contribution

There will be more details in upcoming newsletters. We are at the launching phase, so if you
have an idea or a comment, please share them now! We welcome your feedback! Please also
spread the words for us.

OCLS Administration

Celebrating 50 years of the Ottawa Chinese Language School!